07507 360 777

Electro Treatment

BCL Purifiying GALVANIC facial In London at Beauty Case London

BCL Purifiying GALVANIC facial

Excellent for oily congested skin types. The skin is cleansed, toned and moisturised, after which a purifying zinc and with hazel gel is applied followed by a galvanic procedure that opens up the pores removes impurities & sebum oil from the skin facilitating a deep dermal cleanse. During the second phase charged ionised gels including active substances which are pushed into the skin. Benefits include encourages collagen & elastin production which reduces fine lines and wrinkles, plumping up the skin, improve blood flow to the area, and stimulation of new skin cells.

BCL purifying Galvanic plus (30 min) £39

BCL purifying Galvanic Deluxe (60 min)
(Inc. purifying mask and hand massage)

Course of sessions 4 sessions 15% discount or course of 8 sessions 20% discount)

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BCL MICRODERMABRASION facial In London at Beauty Case London


BCL microdermabrasion immediately takes years off you by a gentle exfoliation process that removes the outer dead skin layers facilitating skin resurfacing . The vacuum’s duel action not only facilitates detoxification via lymphatic drainage but also provides a gentle muscular workout each time, providing an immediate lifting effect each time. It treats an array of both face and body areas.

Instant visible results can be seen for ageing skin, lines and wrinkles, blemishes, open pores, blackheads, pigmentation, scars, stretch marks and acne scars, amongst other things.

Can be used as a single treatment or a course of treatments for more resistant skin. Regular treatments encourage collagen formation increasing skin elasticity, reducing the signs of ageing leaving the skin firmer and rejuvenated.

BCL Microdem-plus (30 min) £39

The perfect treatment to give the skin a boost and deep cleanse. Following a beauty flush, the correction phase concentrates on the more specific areas of concern. This skin lift is followed by a cooling mask and treatment is completed with an SPF30 moisturiser.

BCL Microderm-Deluxe (60 min) £59

For skin requiring more specific attention. Contains all the elements of the BCL Microderm-standard, but with an extended correction phase and a specialist eye wrinkle treatment.

(Course of sessions 4 sessions 15% discount or course of 8 sessions 20% discount)

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BCL High Frequency Facial In London at Beauty Case London

BCL High Frequency Facial

A must for acne prone oily congested skin types. It helps treat and prevent stubborn acne, shrink enlarged pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes, fade dark eye circles.

This skin rejuvenating treatment stimulates cell renewal and improve skin care product penetration and absorption by gently warming the tissues of the skin.

The safe, gentle oscillating and oxygenating power of high frequency electrical current enhances blood circulation, increase collagen and elastin production, eliminate toxins and acne-causing bacteria, encourage lymphatic drainage, exfoliate dead skin cells and improve skin care product absorption.

BCL detoxify-plus (30 min) £35

BCL Seboblast (60 min) £55

(Inc. detoxifying mask and face and neck massage)

(Course of sessions 4 sessions 10% discount or course of 8 sessions 15% discount)

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BCL MICRONEEDLING Facial In London at Beauty Case London


Microneedling, is a minimally invasive skin treatment in which tiny punctures are created in the top layer of skin using micro-fine needles.It is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) because it’s known for boosting collagen production in the skin, which can make it beneficial for a number of skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles.

This sends the skin into a repair mode that triggers the body to produce new collagen as well as elastin, which provides our skin with desirable elasticity, also encouraging the growth of fibroblasts, epithelial and endothelial cells, which can equate to a more even skin tone and a healthy glow.

Microneedling is typically performed in a series of four to six sessions, spaced about 4 to 8 weeks apart.

BCL Vampire Facial £79

(Course of sessions 4 sessions 15% discount or course of 8 sessions 20% discount)

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